Basic concepts

Basic concepts

Primary goals of Nar is to provide following features:

  • retrieve entities from backing store with only some fields initialized
  • keep track of which fields in such entities are initialized
  • extend existing entities with new fields (without re-reading already initialized fields from backing store)

Let's see what it takes to accomplish those goals.

Defining entities

First, let's transform a simple Java bean into "Nar bean".


As a starting point, let's use class City with four members:

  1. id simple identifier

  2. name city name

  3. population number of people living in a city

  4. streets list of every street in a city

Here it is:

>import java.util.List;

public class City {

	public String getId() { return id; }
	public City setId(String id) { = id; return this; }

	public String getName() { return name; }
	public void setName(String name) { = name; }

	public Integer getPopulation() { return population; }
	public void setPopulation(Integer population) { this.population = population; }

	public List<String> getStreets() { return streets; }
	public void setStreets(List<String> streets) { this.streets = streets; }

	private String name;
	private Integer population;
	private List<String> streets;


To support null values (which may represent real, meaningful value and not "uninitialized field"), we are using Integer instead of primitive int. Fluent setters are a matter of personal taste, of course.


For describing each field (class member) within an entity of certain class, Nar uses enums that implement NarField. You'll need one such enum for each class you plan to convert to Nar entity with one enum member corresponding to exactly one member in describing class (except for identifier member, for which you don't need an enum field).

You can declare these enums wherever you prefer, but one convenient place is as an inner class on class whose fields it should describe:

>import java.util.List;
import com.steatoda.nar.NarField;

public class City {

	public enum Field implements NarField {


		Field() { this(null); }
		<F extends Enum<F> & NarField> Field(Class<F> clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; }
		public <F extends Enum<F> & NarField> Class<F> getNarFieldClass() { return (Class<F>) clazz; }
		private final Class<?> clazz;


	public String getId() { return id; }
	public City setId(String id) { = id; return this; }

	public String getName() { return name; }
	public void setName(String name) { = name; }

	public Integer getPopulation() { return population; }
	public void setPopulation(Integer population) { this.population = population; }

	public List<String> getStreets() { return streets; }
	public void setStreets(List<String> streets) { this.streets = streets; }

	private String name;
	private Integer population;
	private List<String> streets;


Due to some short-comings of Java language (like enum classes being final) there is some boilerplate code needed to implement NarField interface, but fortunately it's just one template that can be safely copy/pasted.


Nar uses Java interface NarEntity with several default methods to augment classes that implement it. In addition to those provided, implementing classes are required to implement several additional methods, specific to that particular class.

You can implement NarEntity interface directly or simply extend NarEntityBase class which provides some nice implementations for us:

>public class City extends NarEntityBase<String, City, City.Field> {
	// ...

Specialize NarEntityBase with:

  1. <I>: type of identifier field
  2. <C>: type of implementing class
  3. <F>: type of enum describing fields in implementing class

Implementing constructor required by NarEntityBase is simple - just give it class of enum used for describing fields:

>public City() {

One of the core functionalities that NarEntity mandates (and NarEntityBase implements for us) is one additional member of type Set<F> (with getter/setter pair) which will be used to track which fields in our entity are actually initialized.

All you have to do is initialize that set properly in your setters, for example:

>public City setName(String name) { = name;
	getFields().add(;	// mark this field as initialized
	return this;

Optionally, you can check this same set to see whether field is initialized in your getters and raise an exception if user tries to access uninitialized field:

>public String getName() {
	if (!getFields().contains(
		throw new FieldUnavailableException(;
	return name;

To reduce boilerplate, you can use provided fieldGet/fieldSet methods, which are implemented exactly as described above, to simplify your getters and setters:

>public String getName() { return fieldGet(, name); }
public City setName(String name) { = fieldSet(, name); return this; }

Also, note that you don't need to implement getId/setId anymore, since those are provided in NarEntityBase.

Next step is to provide an implementation of ref() method which must return a 'reference' to current entity: copy of this exact entity, but with only an identifier initialized. You can implement it alone, but since constructing references is common task when working with Nar entities it usually makes sense to also implement a static method for constructing them, like so:

>public static City ref(String id) {
	return new City().setId(id);

// ...

public City ref() {
	return ref(getId());

Last step is to implement method pull which is only non-trivial, but highly templated "working horse" low-level method which will be used by most other methods Nar provides automatically.

Requirement from this method is that it should copy ('pull') property(es) referenced by specified field from another instance (other) obeying following rules:

  • if other == this, don't copy anything, just return current value
  • if graph == null, pull whole sub-tree for every sub-entity

Sounds complicated, but most of this logic is implemented in another (provided) methods we can leverage:

pull(HasFields, Supplier, Consumer)


pull(HasFields, Supplier, Consumer, Function)

In case of our City entity, pull method may be as simple as:

public Object pull(Field field, City other, NarGraph<Field> graph) {
	switch (field) {
		case name:			return pull(other, other::getName,			this::setName);								// simple pull
		case population:	return pull(other, other::getPopulation,	this::setPopulation);						// simple pull
		case streets:		return pull(other, other::getStreets,		this::setStreets,		ArrayList::new);	// use mapper to create a *copy* of the list
	throw new FieldUnavailableException(field);

Implementing field selector as switch statement will ensure we'll get a warning if we miss any field which is very useful when adding new fields and tracing where in your code base you should add logic specific to that field.

Final Nar-enabled implementation of City class:

>import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.steatoda.nar.FieldUnavailableException;
import com.steatoda.nar.NarEntityBase;
import com.steatoda.nar.NarField;
import com.steatoda.nar.NarGraph;

public class City extends NarEntityBase<String, City, City.Field> {

	public enum Field implements NarField {


		Field() { this(null); }
		<F extends Enum<F> & NarField> Field(Class<F> clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; }
		public <F extends Enum<F> & NarField> Class<F> getNarFieldClass() { return (Class<F>) clazz; }
		private final Class<?> clazz;


	public static City ref(String id) {
		return new City().setId(id);

	public City() {

	public String getName() { return fieldGet(, name); }
	public City setName(String name) { = fieldSet(, name); return this; }

	public Integer getPopulation() { return fieldGet(Field.population, population); }
	public City setPopulation(Integer population) { this.population = fieldSet(Field.population, population); return this; }

	public List<String> getStreets() { return fieldGet(Field.streets, streets); }
	public City setStreets(List<String> streets) { this.streets = fieldSet(Field.streets, streets); return this; }

	public Object pull(Field field, City other, NarGraph<Field> graph) {
		switch (field) {
			case name:			return pull(other, other::getName,			this::setName);								// simple pull
			case population:	return pull(other, other::getPopulation,	this::setPopulation);						// simple pull
			case streets:		return pull(other, other::getStreets,		this::setStreets,		ArrayList::new);	// use mapper to pull *copy* of the list
		throw new FieldUnavailableException(field);

	public City ref() {
		return ref(getId());

	private String name;
	private Integer population;
	private List<String> streets;


Hierarchy of entities

Of course, in real world scenarios, often one entity contains other entities as members, and we should be able not only to pick fields in top-level entities, but also in their sub-entities. Nar supports that pattern, too.

For example, see the following implementation of entity Country which has several members of type City:

>import java.util.List;

import com.steatoda.nar.FieldUnavailableException;
import com.steatoda.nar.NarEntityBase;
import com.steatoda.nar.NarField;
import com.steatoda.nar.NarGraph;

public class Country extends NarEntityBase<String, Country, Country.Field> {

	public enum Field implements NarField {

		capital		(City.Field.class),
		cities		(City.Field.class);

		Field() { this(null); }
		<F extends Enum<F> & NarField> Field(Class<F> clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; }
		public <F extends Enum<F> & NarField> Class<F> getNarFieldClass() { return (Class<F>) clazz; }
		private final Class<?> clazz;


	public static Country ref(String id) {
		return new Country().setId(id);

	public Country() {

	public String getName() { return fieldGet(, name); }
	public Country setName(String name) { = fieldSet(, name); return this; }

	public City getCapital() { return fieldGet(, capital); }
	public Country setCapital(City capital) { = fieldSet(, capital); return this; }

	public List<City> getCities() { return fieldGet(Field.cities, cities); }
	public Country setCities(List<City> cities) { this.cities = fieldSet(Field.cities, cities); return this; }

	public Object pull(Field field, Country other, NarGraph<Field> graph) {
		switch (field) {
			case name:		return pull(other, other::getName,		this::setName);												// simple pull
			case capital:	return pull(other, other::getCapital,	this::setCapital,	value -> value.clone(field, graph));	// deep pull using 'clone'
			case cities:	return pull(other, other::getCities,	this::setCities,	values -> -> value.clone(field, graph)).collect(Collectors.toList()));	// deep pull of every member in a list
		throw new FieldUnavailableException(field);

	public Country ref() {
		return ref(getId());

	private String name;
	private City capital;
	private List<City> cities;


Two things deserves explanation here:

  1. When declaring NarField enum item for a field which is of type that also implements NarEntity, you have to pass class of NarField type that describes fields in that sub-entity (it works both for "simple" sub-entities, but also for collections of such entities).
  2. In pull method for fields that describe Nar sub-entities use mapper function and specialized clone which knows how to extract sub-tree from graph, cloning whole sub-tree if graph is null. For collections, do that for each member.

Defining graphs

To resolve any NarEntity first thing we'll need is a model which will define which exact fields (and, optionally, their sub-fields) we want resolved. For that purpose, we'll use NarGraph which is immutable set with optional method to retrieve sub-graphs (also of type NarGraph) for fields which describe nested NarEntitys. So, "type-safe hierarchical set".

In its most simple use case, NarGraph can be constructed much like regular EnumSet:

>NarGraph<City.Field> SimpleGraph = NarGraph.of(, City.Field.population);

There are also other EnumSet-like creator methods:

>NarGraph<City.Field> EmptyGraph = NarGraph.noneOf(City.Field.class);
NarGraph<City.Field> FullGraph = NarGraph.allOf(City.Field.class);
NarGraph<City.Field> WithoutStreetsGraph = NarGraph.complementOf(NarGraph.of(City.Field.streets));

These creators are simple, but can define fields only for entity itself and not for its sub-entities. So, for example, graph for Country defined as:

>NarGraph<Country.Field> FlatCountryGraph = NarGraph.of(,;

Will have initialized field capital (of type City), but that sub-entity won't have any fields initialized (besides mandatory id).

To define hierarchical graphs, we'll need NarGraph.Builder:

>NarGraph<Country.Field> CountryWithCapitalGraph = NarGraph.Builder.of(Country.Field.class)
	.add(, NarGraph.Builder.of(City.Field.class)

NarGraph.Builder also supports combining multiple graphs, so you can attach graphs from other components when building yours:

>NarGraph<Country.Field> CombinedCapitalGraph = NarGraph.Builder.of(Country.Field.class)
	.add(, NarGraph.Builder.of(City.Field.class)

This CombinedCapitalGraph will now have the following structure:


As has already been said, NarGraph implements Set interface, but also enables retrieving sub-graphs using getGraph method:

>NarGraph<City.Field> CapitalGraph = CountryWithCapitalGraph.getGraph(, City.Field.class);

NarGraph can be (de)serialized to/from string using toString() and of(String, Class). String representations use comma as field delimiter and curly braces for declaring sub-graphs:


Resolving entities

Finally, we'll use NarService to resolve entities having only specified graph initialized (implementations of that interface depend on your backing store):

>public class CityService implements NarService<String, City, City.Field> {

	public City instance() {
		return new City();

	public City get(String id, NarGraph<City.Field> graph) {
		// TODO resolve City instance according to specified graph

And then:

>CityService cityService = new CityService();
City city = cityService.get("zagreb", NarGraph.of(, City.Field.population));

// now we can read city.getName() and city.getPopulation(), but NOT city.getStreets()

For one possible implementation of NarService check NarJooqService from nar-jooq subproject which provides concrete base implementation for reading entities from relational database using jOOQ.

In case you need asynchronous pattern, you should implement NarAsyncService which is an asynchronous version of NarService, but with the same purpose. Use in cases where synchronous logic is not suitable (like fetching objects over the network without blocking invoking thread). For handling responses NarAsyncService uses NarServiceHandler which should be abstract enough to serve as a handler for any type of asynchronous mechanism used in concrete implementations.

Extending entities

NarService can also be used to extend existing entities with new fields. Extending works by first inspecting which fields (if any!) are missing and then using provided NarService to retrieve from backing store only fields that are missing and "patch" them onto entity.

>CityService cityService = new CityService();

City city = cityService.get("zagreb", NarGraph.of(, City.Field.population));

// now we can read city.getName() and city.getPopulation(), but NOT city.getStreets()

// extend entity with two fields: 'name' and 'streets'
// NOTE: only 'streets' is fetched from cityService, since 'name' is already initialized
city.extend(NarGraph.of(, City.Field.streets), cityService);

// now we can read city.getName(), city.getPopulation() AND city.getStreets()